Loanstoday is proud to be a fully compliant Australian Credit License holder. We take our responsibility seriously and we live our values every day delivering ethical solutions to each and every facet of our business.
If you are a customer who is dissatisfied with any of our products or services, please let us know. We welcome your complaints so that we can improve on products or service delivery. All complaints will be processed promptly and at no charge to you.
Making a complaint
You may contact our Customer Service Team by any or combination of the following means:
Telephone: 07 3465 9259
Mail: Attn: Customer Service Team - Complaints
PO BOX 805, Samford, QLD 4520
The process
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint after receiving the details of your complaint.
Our Complaints Contact Person will handle the complaint and advise you if any further information is needed. The Complaints Contact Person will liaise with the relevant parties to find answers for you. You will be informed of the outcome and the reason for the decision reached.
Service level commitment
Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we are committed to resolving and responding to your complaint within 45 days.
Some complaints are more complex and could take a little longer to resolve. In that case, we will:
Inform you of the reasons for the delay;
Specify a date when a decision can be reasonably expected; and
Notify you of your right to contact our external dispute resolution scheme
Dispute resolution escalation
We expect our Customer Contact Centre - Complaints to resolve your concerns or issues to your satisfaction.
If, despite our best efforts you are still dissatisfied with our response, you may contact our external dispute resolution scheme. However, we would like you to give us an opportunity to review our initial decision by escalating it to our Customer Relations Team. Our Customer Relations Team may initiate further investigation if necessary. You may write to our Customer Relations Team at the following address:
Attn: Customer Relations Team
PO Box 805, Samford QLD 4520
External dispute resolution
Our external dispute resolution scheme for Loans Today Pty Ltd is the Credit Ombudsman Service Limited (COSL) which may be contacted as follows:
Telephone: 02 9273 8400
Facsimile: 02 9261 2798
Mail: PO Box A252
Sydney South, NSW 1235